14.08.15 | business

Should you accept jobs outside your passion?

Many people think that typography consists of only selecting a typeface, choosing a font size and whether it should be regular or bold. For most people it ends there. But there is much more to achieving good typography and it's in the details that designers often neglect.

This is a paragraph with links and strong text styles. Results sustainable medical; accessibility local, replicable, raise awareness. Check out our profile on themeforest. Research partner John Lennon synthesize, promising development engage. Crisis management. Blog always works when presented in such beatiful interesting fashion. Fellows equality best practices governance change lives. Refugee care growth public-private partnerships, cross-cultural globe.

"The kind of typography I'm talking about is "knowing your hanging punctuation from your em-dash" typography.

Jimmy Falcon Photographer

A social and political documentary photographer. His work is in public and private collections in New Zealand and elsewhere.

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Adrian Baker,
15.08.15 at 7.00pm Reply

Nullam id sem ligula. Donec tincidunt rhoncus turpis, et pharetra nunc volutpat quis. Curabitur porttitor odio quis velit condimentum dapibus.

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Adrian Baker,
15.08.15 at 7.00pm Reply

Nullam id sem ligula. Donec tincidunt rhoncus turpis, et pharetra nunc volutpat quis. Curabitur porttitor odio quis velit condimentum dapibus.

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Adrian Baker,
15.08.15 at 7.00pm Reply

Nullam id sem ligula. Donec tincidunt rhoncus turpis, et pharetra nunc volutpat quis. Curabitur porttitor odio quis velit condimentum dapibus.