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if (!func) return; onEvent('load', func, true); // window onload onEvent('resize', func, true); // window resize }// end pageCalculations pageCalculations(function(){ pageCalculations(); }); } pageCalculations(function(){ wpc_add_img_bg('.s-img-switch'); topFullBannerHeight(); }); /***********************************/ /* STICKY HEADER */ /**********************************/ function header_sticky() { if ( $('.main-header').hasClass('fix_menu') ) { var headerHeight = $('.main-header.fix_menu').outerHeight(); if ( $(window).scrollTop() >= headerHeight ) { $('.main-header').addClass('fix_menu-active'); } else { $('.main-header').removeClass('fix_menu-active'); } } } /***********************************/ /* WINDOW LOAD */ /**********************************/ $(window).on('load', function() { $('body').addClass('loaded').find('.prague-loader').addClass('is-loaded'); startBtnAnimate(); pragueGrid(); if ( $('.main-header').hasClass('fix_menu') ) { var wpadminbar = $('#wpadminbar').length ? 32 : 0; 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