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/* Init isotope */ if( $container.hasClass('fcampaign-masonry') ) { $container.isotope({ itemSelector: '.item', layoutMode: 'masonry', masonry: { columnWidth: '.item' } }); } else { $container.isotope({ itemSelector: '.item', layoutMode: 'fitRows' }); } /* Filter */ $filter.on('click', '.but', function() { $filter.find('.but').removeClass('activbut'); $(this).addClass('activbut'); var filterValue = $(this).attr('data-filter'); $container.isotope({filter: filterValue}); return false; }); }); } } /*==================== Main menu ====================*/ var $mainMenu = $("#main-menu"); // Get the mmenu API var mmenuApi = $mainMenu.data("mmenu"); // mmenu init $mainMenu.mmenu({ //options extensions: ["border-none", "fullscreen"], offCanvas: { zposition: "front", position: "bottom" }, navbar: { title: "Menu" }, navbars: { content: ["close"], height: 1 } }, { // configuration clone: true }); /*==================== Background image ====================*/ function sanjose_img_background(img_sel, parent_sel, img_height) { if (!img_sel) { console.info('no img selector'); return false; } var $parent, _this; $(img_sel).each(function() { _this = $(this); $parent = _this.closest(parent_sel); $parent = $parent.length ? $parent : _this.parent(); if (img_height) { $parent.css('background-image', 'url(' + this.src + ')'); _this.css('visibility', 'hidden'); } else { $parent.css('background-image', 'url(' + this.src + ')'); _this.hide(); } }); } sanjose_img_background('.hidden-img'); /*==================== Swiper slider ====================*/ function initSwiper() { var initIterator = 0; $('.swiper-container').each(function() { var $t = $(this); if ($t.find('.swiper-slide').length <= 1) { $t.find('.pagination').hide(); $t.find('.swiper-slide').css('width', '100%'); return 0; } var index = 'swiper-unique-id-' + initIterator; $t.addClass('swiper-' + index + ' initialized').attr('id', index); $t.find('.pagination').addClass('pagination-' + index); var verticalHeight = parseInt($t.attr('data-height'), 10); var autoPlayVar = parseInt($t.attr('data-autoplay'), 10); var mode = $t.attr('data-mode'); 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}, onSlideChangeEnd: function(swiper) { var activeIndex = (loopVar === 1) ? swiper.activeLoopIndex : swiper.activeIndex; }, onSlideChangeStart: function(swiper) { galleryPreview(); $t.find('.swiper-slide.active').removeClass('active'); var activeIndex = (loopVar === 1) ? swiper.activeLoopIndex : swiper.activeIndex; }, onSlideClick: function(swiper) { } }); swipers['swiper-' + index].reInit(); if (!centerVar) { if ($t.attr('data-slides-per-view') == 'responsive') { var paginationSpan = $t.find('.pagination span'); var paginationSlice = paginationSpan.hide().slice(0, (paginationSpan.length + 1 - slidesPerViewVar)); if (paginationSlice.length <= 1 || slidesPerViewVar >= $t.find('.swiper-slide').length) $t.addClass('pagination-hidden'); else $t.removeClass('pagination-hidden'); paginationSlice.css('display', 'inline-block'); } } initIterator++; }); } $('.slide-prev').on('click', function() { swipers['swiper-' + $(this).closest('.swiper-container').attr('id')].swipePrev(); return false; }); 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}); initSwiper(); paginationImg(); sanjose_img_background('.hidden-img'); sorter_pricing(); addVideo(); galleryPreview(); hoverBut('.sanjose-banner .btn'); hoverButRev('.sanjose-text a.link'); // timeline init timeline.init(); $('.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ center: true, items: 7, autoWidth:true, loop: true, margin: 50 }); }); /*==================== Window resize ====================*/ $(window).on('resize', function () { addVideo(); izotope_portfolio(); masonry_posts(); }); function galleryPopup() { $(".lightgallery").lightGallery(); } galleryPopup(); if ( $('.portfolio-list.prague_grid').length == 0 ) { $('.portfolio-list').lightGallery({ thumbnail:true }); } $('.content-item .rotate').on('click', function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); }) function changeStateVideo(iframe_container,button,player,hover_enable,services){ var $this = $(button), iframe = iframe_container.find('iframe'); if ($this.hasClass('start')) { services == 'youtube' && player.pauseVideo(); if (iframe.data('src')) { iframe.attr('src','about:blank'); 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