;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; $('.btn-scroll-down').on('click', function () { var scroll = $(this).closest('.top-banner').outerHeight() + $(this).closest('.top-banner').offset().top; $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: scroll }, 600); return false; }); $(window).on('load', function () { if($('.gridrotate-gallery .gridrotate').length){ if($('.gridrotate-gallery .title').length){ $('.gridrotate-gallery .title').each(function () { var head = $(this); var typingWords = head.find('.typed').data('words'), wordsArray = typingWords.split(','); head.find('.typed').each(function () { $(this).typed({ strings: wordsArray, // Optionally use an HTML element to grab strings from (must wrap each string in a

) stringsElement: null, // typing speed typeSpeed: 30, // time before typing starts startDelay: 1200, // backspacing speed backSpeed: 20, // time before backspacing backDelay: 500, // loop loop: true, // false = infinite loopCount: false, // show cursor showCursor: true, // character for cursor cursorChar: "", // attribute to type (null == text) attr: null, // either html or text contentType: 'html', // call when done callback function }); }) }); } $('.gridrotate-gallery .gridrotate').each(function () { $(this).gridrotator({ rows : 4, // number of columns columns : 8, w1200 : { rows : 4, columns : 7 }, w992 : { rows : 7, columns : 5 }, w510 : { rows : 7, columns : 4 }, w480 : { rows : 7, columns : 4 }, w320 : { rows : 7, columns : 4 }, step : 7, maxStep : 7 }); }) } }); })(jQuery, window, document);