/* test */ ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; $('body').fitVids(); /*=================================*/ /* 01 - VARIABLES */ /*=================================*/ var swipers = [], winW, winH, winScr, _isresponsive, smPoint = 768, mdPoint = 992, lgPoint = 1200, addPoint = 1600, _ismobile = navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i), pageCalculateHeight; /*=================================*/ /* 02 - PAGE CALCULATIONS */ /*=================================*/ /** * * PageCalculations function * @since 1.0.0 * @version 1.0.1 * @var winW * @var winH * @var winS * @var pageCalculations * @var onEvent **/ if (typeof pageCalculations !== 'function') { var winW, winH, winS, pageCalculations, onEvent = window.addEventListener; pageCalculations = function(func){ winW = window.innerWidth; winH = window.innerHeight; winS = document.body.scrollTop; if (!func) return; onEvent('load', func, true); // window onload onEvent('resize', func, true); // window resize onEvent("orientationchange", func, false); // window orientationchange }// end pageCalculations pageCalculations(function(){ pageCalculations(); }); } function pageHeightCalculate() { if($('.page-calculate.fullheight').length) { var pageCalculate = $('.page-calculate'), headerHeight = $('.header_top_bg').not('.header_trans-fixed').outerHeight() || 0, footerHeight = $('#footer').not('.fix-bottom').outerHeight() || 0; pageCalculate.height(winH - headerHeight - footerHeight); pageCalculateHeight = pageCalculate.height(); } } pageCalculations(function(){ pageHeightCalculate(); blogSimpleHeightCalculate(); if (!window.enable_foxlazy) { wpc_add_img_bg('.s-img-switch'); } /* fix for splited slider */ wpc_add_img_bg('.ms-section .s-img-switch'); wpc_add_img_bg('.woocommerce .s-img-switch'); $('.swiper-container.initialized[data-slides-per-view="responsive"]').each(function () { var thisSwiper = swipers['swiper-' + $(this).attr('id')] , $t = $(this) , slidesPerViewVar = updateSlidesPerView($t) , centerVar = thisSwiper.params.centeredSlides; thisSwiper.params.slidesPerView = slidesPerViewVar; thisSwiper.reInit(); if (!centerVar) { var paginationSpan = $t.find('.pagination span'); var paginationSlice = paginationSpan.hide().slice(0, (paginationSpan.length + 1 - slidesPerViewVar)); if (paginationSlice.length <= 1 || slidesPerViewVar >= $t.find('.swiper-slide').length) $t.addClass('pagination-hidden'); else $t.removeClass('pagination-hidden'); paginationSlice.show(); } }); }); if($('.kenburns').length){ $('.kenburns').each(function () { $(this).kenBurning({ time : 6000 }); }); } // function kenburnsHeight() { // if($('.kenburns-wrap').length){ // $('.kenburns-wrap').each(function () { // var headerH = $('.header_top_bg').not('.header_trans-fixed').outerHeight() || 0, // footerH = $('#footer').not('.fix-bottom').outerHeight() || 0, // sliderH = $(window).height() - (headerH + footerH), // bottomplay = $('#footer').hasClass('fix-bottom') ? ($('#footer').outerHeight() + 2) : '10'; // // $(this).find('.kenburns-play').css('bottom', bottomplay + 'px'); // $(this).find('.napoli-sound-btn').css('bottom', bottomplay + 'px'); // // $(this).css('height', sliderH + 'px'); // }); // } // } function kenburnsHeight() { if($('.kenburns-wrap').length){ $('.kenburns-wrap').each(function () { var headerH = $('.header_top_bg').not('.header_trans-fixed').outerHeight() || 0, footerH = $('#footer').not('.fix-bottom').outerHeight() || 0, sliderH = $(window).height() - (headerH + footerH), bottomplay = $('#footer').hasClass('fix-bottom') ? ($('#footer').outerHeight() + 60) : '30'; $(this).find('.kenburns-play').css('bottom', bottomplay + 'px'); $(this).find('.napoli-sound-btn').css('bottom', bottomplay + 'px'); $(this).css('height', sliderH + 'px'); if($(window).width() < 768 && _ismobile){ $(this).find('.napoli-sound-btn').css('bottom', bottomplay - 50 + 'px'); $(this).find('.caption').css('bottom', bottomplay + 10 + 'px'); }else{ $(this).find('.caption').css('bottom', bottomplay - 20 + 'px'); $(this).find('.napoli-sound-btn').css('bottom', bottomplay + 'px'); } }); } } // for sound bg $('.napoli-sound-btn').on('click',function(){ var $button = $(this); if ($button.hasClass('play')) { $button.next('audio').trigger('pause'); $button.removeClass('play'); } else { $button.next('audio').trigger('play'); $button.addClass('play'); } }); $(window).on('load', function() { if ($('.napoli-sound-btn').length && $('.napoli-sound-btn').hasClass('play')) { $('.napoli-sound-btn').next('audio').trigger('play'); } }); /*=================================*/ /* 03 - FUNCTION ON DOCUMENT READY */ /*=================================*/ $(window).ready(function () { if($('.full_screen_slider.disable_scroll').length) { $('html, body').addClass('overflow-hidden'); } }); /*Full height banner*/ function topBannerHeight() { var bannerHeight = $(window).height() - $('footer').outerHeight(); $('.full-height').css('min-height', (bannerHeight - $('header').closest('.col-xs-12').outerHeight()) + 'px'); $('.full-height-hard').css('height', (bannerHeight - $('header').closest('.col-xs-12').outerHeight()) + 'px'); var fullHeight = $('.top-banner.full-height').outerHeight(); var heightContentBanner = $('.top-banner.full-height .content').outerHeight(); var minheightContentBanner = heightContentBanner + 100; $('.top-banner.full-height .content').css('top', (fullHeight - heightContentBanner) / 2 + 'px'); if (fullHeight < minheightContentBanner) { $('.top-banner.full-height').css('min-height', minheightContentBanner + 'px'); $('.top-banner.full-height .content').css('top', (minheightContentBanner - heightContentBanner) / 2 + 'px'); } if($('.iframe-video.banner-video').length){ var headerH = $('.header_top_bg').not('.header_trans-fixed').outerHeight() || 0, footerH = $('#footer').not('.fix-bottom').outerHeight() || 0, bannerH = $(window).height() - (headerH + footerH); $('.iframe-video.banner-video').css('height', bannerH + 'px' ); } } /*=================================*/ /* PAGE LOADING TRANSITION */ /*=================================*/ if($(".animsition").length){ $(".animsition").animsition({ inClass : 'fade-in', outClass : 'fade-out', inDuration : 2000, outDuration : 800, loading : true, loadingParentElement : 'body', //animsition wrapper element loadingClass : 'animsition-loading', unSupportCss : [ 'animation-duration', '-webkit-animation-duration', '-o-animation-duration' ], overlay : false, overlayClass : 'animsition-overlay-slide', overlayParentElement : 'body' }); } /*=================================*/ /* 04 - FUNCTION ON PAGE LOAD */ /*=================================*/ $(window).on('load', function () { initFullScreenSwiper(); initFlowSlider(); portfolioSliderHeight(); if ($('.multiscroll-slider').length) { initMultiscroll(); multiScrollControls(); } initThumbFlexSlider(); kenburnsHeight(); wpc_add_img_bg('.s-img-switch'); }); /*=================================*/ /* BACKGROUND */ /*=================================*/ //sets child image as a background function wpc_add_img_bg(img_sel, parent_sel) { if (!img_sel) { console.info('no img selector'); return false; } var $parent, $imgDataHidden, _this; $(img_sel).each(function () { _this = $(this); $imgDataHidden = _this.data('s-hidden'); $parent = _this.closest(parent_sel); $parent = $parent.length ? $parent : _this.parent(); $parent.css('background-image', 'url(' + this.src + ')').addClass('s-back-switch'); if ($imgDataHidden) { _this.css('visibility', 'hidden'); } else { _this.hide(); } }); } /*=================================*/ /* IS TOUCH DEVICE */ /*=================================*/ function isTouchDevice() { return 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement; } /*=================================*/ /* SWIPER SLIDER */ /*=================================*/ function initSwiper() { var initIterator = 0; $('.swiper-container').each(function () { var $t = $(this); var index = 'swiper-unique-id-' + initIterator; $t.addClass('swiper-' + index + ' initialized').attr('id', index); $t.find('.pagination').addClass('pagination-' + index); var autoPlayVar = parseInt($t.attr('data-autoplay'), 10); var mode = $t.attr('data-mode'); var slidesPerViewVar = $t.attr('data-slides-per-view'); if (slidesPerViewVar == 'responsive') { slidesPerViewVar = updateSlidesPerView($t); } else slidesPerViewVar = parseInt(slidesPerViewVar, 10); var loopVar = parseInt($t.attr('data-loop'), 10); var noSwipingVar = $t.attr('data-noSwiping'); var speedVar = parseInt($t.attr('data-speed'), 10); var centerVar = parseInt($t.attr('data-center'), 10); var closestBannerVertical = $t.closest('.banner-slider-wrap.vertical'); if(closestBannerVertical && isTouchDevice()){ mode = 'horizontal'; closestBannerVertical.addClass('is-touch'); } swipers['swiper-' + index] = new Swiper('.swiper-' + index, { speed: speedVar, pagination: '.pagination-' + index, loop: loopVar, paginationClickable: true, autoplay: autoPlayVar, slidesPerView: slidesPerViewVar, keyboardControl: true, calculateHeight: true, simulateTouch: true, roundLengths: true, centeredSlides: centerVar, noSwiping: noSwipingVar, loopAdditionalSlides: 4, initialSlide:0, noSwipingClass: 'stop-swiping', mode: mode || 'horizontal', onInit: function (swiper) { $t.find('.swiper-slide').addClass('active'); }, onSlideChangeEnd: function (swiper) { var activeIndex = (loopVar === 1) ? swiper.activeLoopIndex : swiper.activeIndex; }, onSlideChangeStart: function (swiper) { if ( window.enable_foxlazy) { $t.find('.swiper-slide img[data-lazy-src]').foxlazy(); } $t.find('.swiper-slide.active').removeClass('active'); } }); swipers['swiper-' + index].reInit(); popup_image(); var _this = swipers['swiper-' + index]; popup_image_products(_this); if ($t.attr('data-slides-per-view') == 'responsive') { var paginationSpan = $t.find('.pagination span'); var paginationSlice = paginationSpan.hide().slice(0, (paginationSpan.length + 1 - slidesPerViewVar)); if (paginationSlice.length <= 1 || slidesPerViewVar >= $t.find('.swiper-slide').length) $t.addClass('pagination-hidden'); else $t.removeClass('pagination-hidden'); paginationSlice.show(); } if ($t.find('.default-active').length) { swipers['swiper-' + index].swipeTo($t.find('.swiper-slide').index($t.find('.default-active')), 0); } initIterator++; }); } function popup_image(){ $('.popup-image').magnificPopup({ type: 'image', mainClass: 'mfp-fade', removalDelay: 300, closeOnContentClick: true, fixedContentPos: true, fixedBgPos: true }); 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if(activeIndex<1) { leftClick.addClass('disabled'); } else { leftClick.removeClass('disabled').find('.left').text(activeIndex); leftClick.find('.right').text(slidesNum); } if(activeIndex == slidesNum-1) { rightClick.addClass('disabled'); } else { rightClick.removeClass('disabled').find('.left').text(activeIndex+2); rightClick.find('.right').text(slidesNum); } } var loopVar = parseInt($t.attr('data-loop'),10); var speedVar = parseInt($t.attr('data-speed'),10); var centerVar = parseInt($t.attr('data-center'),10); swipers['swiper-'+index] = new Swiper('.swiper-'+index,{ speed: speedVar, pagination: '.pagination-'+index, loop: loopVar, paginationClickable: true, autoplay: autoPlayVar, slidesPerView: slidesPerViewVar, keyboardControl: true, calculateHeight: true, simulateTouch: true, roundLengths: true, centeredSlides: centerVar, mode: mode || 'horizontal', onInit: function(swiper){ $t.find('.swiper-slide').addClass('active'); if ( winW > 1024 ){ $t.find(".slider-click").each(function() { var arrow = $(this); $(document).on("mousemove", function(event) { var arrow_parent = arrow.parent(), parent_offset = arrow_parent.offset(), pos_left = Math.min(event.pageX - parent_offset.left, arrow_parent.width()), pos_top = event.pageY - parent_offset.top; arrow.css({ 'left': pos_left, 'top' : pos_top }); }); }); } setThumb(swiper.activeLoopIndex, swiper.slides.length); popup_image(); }, onSlideChangeEnd: function(swiper){ var activeIndex = (loopVar===1)?swiper.activeLoopIndex:swiper.activeIndex; setThumb(swiper.activeLoopIndex, swiper.slides.length); popup_image() }, onSlideChangeStart: function(swiper){ $t.find('.swiper-slide.active').removeClass('active'); var activeIndex = (loopVar==1)?swiper.activeLoopIndex:swiper.activeIndex; setThumb(swiper.activeLoopIndex, swiper.slides.length); swiper.startAutoplay(); } }); swipers['swiper-'+index].reInit(); if($t.attr('data-slides-per-view')=='responsive'){ var paginationSpan = $t.find('.pagination span'); var paginationSlice = paginationSpan.hide().slice(0,(paginationSpan.length+1-slidesPerViewVar)); if(paginationSlice.length<=1 || slidesPerViewVar>=$t.find('.swiper-slide').length) $t.addClass('pagination-hidden'); else $t.removeClass('pagination-hidden'); paginationSlice.show(); } initIterator++; }); } function updateSlidesPerView(swiperContainer) { if (winW >= addPoint) return parseInt(swiperContainer.attr('data-add-slides'), 10); else if (winW >= lgPoint) return parseInt(swiperContainer.attr('data-lg-slides'), 10); else if (winW >= mdPoint) return parseInt(swiperContainer.attr('data-md-slides'), 10); else if (winW >= smPoint) return parseInt(swiperContainer.attr('data-sm-slides'), 10); else return parseInt(swiperContainer.attr('data-xs-slides'), 10); } //swiper arrows $('.swiper-arrow-left').on('click', function () { swipers['swiper-' + $(this).parent().attr('id')].swipePrev(); }); $('.swiper-arrow-right').on('click', function () { swipers['swiper-' + $(this).parent().attr('id')].swipeNext(); }); $('.swiper-outer-left').on('click', function () { swipers['swiper-' + $(this).parent().find('.swiper-container').attr('id')].swipePrev(); }); $('.swiper-outer-right').on('click', function () { swipers['swiper-' + $(this).parent().find('.swiper-container').attr('id')].swipeNext(); }); $('.slider-click.left').on('click', function(){ swipers['swiper-' + $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.full_screen_slider').attr('id')].swipePrev(); swipers['swiper-' + $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.full_screen_slider').attr('id')].startAutoplay(); }); $('.slider-click.right').on('click', function(){ swipers['swiper-' + $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.full_screen_slider').attr('id')].swipeNext(); swipers['swiper-' + $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.full_screen_slider').attr('id')].startAutoplay(); }); /*=================================*/ /* FLOW SLIDER */ /*=================================*/ function initFlowSlider() { $('.flipster-slider').each(function(index) { var that = $(this); var sliderIndex = 'flipster-slider-unique-id-' + index; that.addClass(sliderIndex + ' initialized').attr('id', sliderIndex); var VarKeyboardControl = parseInt(that.attr('data-keyboard'), 10); var VarMousewheel = parseInt(that.attr('data-mousewheel'), 10); var VarNavButtons = parseInt(that.attr('data-controls'), 10); that.flipster({ style:'carousel', enableKeyboard: VarKeyboardControl || false, enableMousewheel: VarMousewheel || false, enableNavButtons: VarNavButtons || false }) }) } /*=================================*/ /* POST BOX HEIGHT */ /*=================================*/ function blogSimpleHeightCalculate() { if($('.simple.enable_fullheight').length) { var blogSimple = $('.simple.enable_fullheight'), headerHeight = $('.header_top_bg').not('.header_trans-fixed').outerHeight() || 0, footerHeight = $('#footer').not('.fix-bottom').outerHeight() || 0, blogSimpleHeight; blogSimple.height(winH - headerHeight - footerHeight - 40); } if($('.team-member.fullheight.full_height').length) { var teamFullheight = $('.team-member.fullheight.full_height'), headerHeight = $('.header_top_bg').not('.header_trans-fixed').outerHeight() || 0, footerHeight = $('#footer').not('.fix-bottom').outerHeight() || 0, teamFullheightHeight; teamFullheight.height(winH - headerHeight - footerHeight - 40); } } /***********************************/ /* COUNTER PAGINATION*/ /**********************************/ function counterPagination() { if ($('.pagination.simpple').length) { $('.pagination.simpple').each(function(index) { $(this).find('span').each(function(index) { if ((index + 1) < 10) { $(this).html('0' + (index + 1)); } else { $(this).html((index + 1)); } }); }); } } $(window).on('resize', function () { if ($('.ytbg').length) { video_size(); } topBannerHeight(); kenburnsHeight(); initSwiper(); }); function video_size() { var height = $('.ytbg').width() * 0.55; $('.ytbg').closest('.wpb_wrapper').css('height', height + 'px'); } if ($('.ytbg').length) { video_size(); } if ($('.wpb_wrapper .hero-slider .slide').length) { if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { $('.hero-slider .slide').closest('.wpb_wrapper').css('margin', '0 15px') } else { $('.hero-slider .slide').closest('.wpb_wrapper').css('margin', '0 50px') } } $('.mb_YTPPlaypause').live('click', function () { $(this).toggleClass("active"); }); $("iframe:not([src*=soundcloud])").each(function (index) { $(this).wrap("
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If you add footer copyright the footer stuck in the middle of the page. //$('.portfolio .wpb_wrapper').shuffle('update'); }, 200); initIsotop(); // Comment code below to fix bug #144 Gallery with left filter issue. If you add footer copyright the footer stuck in the middle of the page. //$('.portfolio .wpb_wrapper').shuffle('shuffle', 'all'); $("img[data-lazy-src]").foxlazy('', function(){ setTimeout(initIsotop, 200); setTimeout(function () { $('.portfolio .wpb_wrapper').shuffle('shuffle', 'all'); portfolioFilter(); }, 200); }); }); // spaces between items $('.portfolio[data-space]').each(function () { var space = $(this).data('space'); $(this).find('.item-link').css({ 'margin': space }); $('.portfolio').css({ 'margin-left': -space + 'px', 'margin-right': -space + 'px' }); }); // FILTER $('.filter ul li').on('click', function () { var filter = $(this).data('group'); $('.portfolio .wpb_wrapper').shuffle('shuffle', filter); $('.filter ul li').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); setTimeout(function(){ $("img[data-lazy-src]").foxlazy(); },200); }); // banner with gallery // --------------------------------- function bannerGallery() { var w1 = $(window).width(); var itemsArray = $('.banner-gallery .banner-list li'); var imgWidth = $('.banner-gallery .banner-list li').height(); var contentLeft; var contentRight; if (w1 > 1200) { contentLeft = $(itemsArray[9]).width() + $(itemsArray[10]).width(); contentRight = $(itemsArray[16]).width() + $(itemsArray[17]).width(); $('.banner-gallery .content-wrap').css({ 'top': imgWidth + 'px' , 'height': imgWidth * 3 + 'px' , 'left': contentLeft + 'px' , 'right': contentRight + 'px' }); } else if (w1 > 767) { contentLeft = $(itemsArray[7]).width(); contentRight = $(itemsArray[13]).width(); $('.banner-gallery .content-wrap').css({ 'top': imgWidth + 'px' , 'height': imgWidth * 3 + 'px' , 'left': contentLeft + 'px' , 'right': contentRight + 'px' }); } else if (w1 <= 767) { $('.banner-gallery .content-wrap').css({ 'top': imgWidth + 'px' , 'left': 0 + 'px' , 'right': 0 + 'px' , 'height': imgWidth * 3 + 'px' }); } } $(window).on('resize', function () { bannerGallery(); calcPaddingMainWrapper(); counterPagination(); }); $(window).load(function () { bannerGallery(); counterPagination(); // fix // --------------------------------- setTimeout(function () { $(window).scroll(); }, 300); }); // toggles // --------------------------------- $('.toggle .toggle-title').click(function () { $(this).next('.toggle-content').slideToggle(200); $(this).parent('.toggle').toggleClass('active'); return false; }); // IMAGE POPUP // --------------------------------- // single // gallery mode $('.gallery-item:not(.popup-details)').magnificPopup({ gallery: { enabled: true } , mainClass: 'mfp-fade' , fixedContentPos: true , fixedBgPos: true , type: 'image', image: { titleSrc: function(item) { return item.el.attr('data-title'); } } }); // YOUTUBE, VIMEO, GOOGLE MAPS POPUP // --------------------------------- $('.popup-youtube, .popup-vimeo, .popup-gmaps').magnificPopup({ type: 'iframe' , mainClass: 'mfp-fade' , disableOn: 0 , preloader: false , removalDelay: 300 , fixedContentPos: true , fixedBgPos: true }); // GALLERY POPUP // --------------------------------- // for portfolio $('.popup-gallery').magnificPopup({ delegate: '.filtered a' , mainClass: 'mfp-fade' , gallery: { enabled: true } , fixedContentPos: true , fixedBgPos: true , type: 'image' }); // single gallery $('.popup-single-gallery').each(function () { $(this).magnificPopup({ delegate: 'a' , mainClass: 'mfp-fade' , gallery: { enabled: true } , fixedContentPos: true , fixedBgPos: true , type: 'image' }); }); // AJAX CONTACT FORM // --------------------------------- $('#contact form').submit(function () { var url = $(this).attr('action'); // get information from contact form var name = $('[name=name]').val(); var email = $('[name=email]').val(); var message = $('[name=message]').val(); // send information to contact.php $.ajax({ type: "POST" , url: url , data: { name: name , email: email , message: message } , success: function (response) { // response from contact.php $('.contact-message').html(response).slideDown(500); } , error: function () { // error message $('.contact-message').html('

Something went wrong, try again!

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