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startLines(); timeLines(); startCharts(); // add fix paralax efect bug $(".parallax1").css("margin-top", 0); $(".parallax2").css("margin-bottom", 0); }); isotopeN(); // parallax efect if ($('.parallax-efect').length) { $('#birdsPic4').scrollingParallax({ staticSpeed: .55, staticScrollLimit: false }); } // multi slider if ($('#myContainer').length) { $('#myContainer').multiscroll({ menu: '#menu', navigation: true, loopBottom: true, scrollingSpeed: 700, loopTop: true, sectionSelector: '.section', leftSelector: '.left', rightSelector: '.right', }); } /***********************************/ /*HEIGHT FOR ITEMS */ /**********************************/ function blockInfoItem() { var $blockItem = $('.wpc-2block-info-item'); if ($blockItem.length) { if (winW > 600) { block_height($blockItem); } else { $blockItem.height('auto'); } } } function block2InfoItem() { var $blockItem2 = $('.wpc-2block-info2-item'); if ($blockItem2.length) { if (winW > 600) { block_height($blockItem2); } else { $blockItem2.height('auto'); 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var xsValue = parseInt($th.attr('data-xs-slides'), 10); var smValue = parseInt($th.attr('data-sm-slides'), 10); var mdValue = parseInt($th.attr('data-md-slides'), 10); var lgValue = parseInt($th.attr('data-lg-slides'), 10); // var currentSwiper = swipers[$th.attr('init-attr')]; var newSlideNumber = updateSlidesPerView(xsValue, smValue, mdValue, lgValue); // currentSwiper.params.slidesPerView = newSlideNumber; // currentSwiper.reInit(); } var $rowSize = $('.wpc-row-size'); if ($(window).width() < 993) { $rowSize.hide(); $('.izotope-container-js').parent().removeClass().addClass('nogutt-col3'); } else { $rowSize.show(); } } $(window).on('resize', function() { heightPage(); resizeCall(); }); window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function() { resizeCall(); }, false); /*=================================*/ /* 06 - SWIPER SLIDER */ /*=================================*/ function initSwiper() { var initIterator = 0; $('.swiper-container').each(function() { var $t = $(this); if ($t.find('.swiper-slide').length <= 1) { $t.find('.pagination').hide(); 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